Latest short stories


With a business running smoothly, its financials strong, executives must dream up other ways to spend capital.

Fallen Fruit

A feckless father, and his son, who’s freshly suspended from school, head to the carnival in town on a mundane Saturday afternoon.

Requiem for a Home-Cooked Meal

Jim and Alice are married, in love, but are often contending with the third member of their relationship: Jim’s depression.

Open Pen - Issue 27 - Krystian Morgan - Remaining

Open Pen Issue 27

‘Remaining’ follows the inhabitants of a small, typically banal street, who have become enmeshed in the scene of a hit-and-run accident involving a local boy.

“…Morgan plays with the notion of memory and experience with a stark emotional twist, leaving the reader with the revelation that human beings are duplicitous creatures, and that it isn’t always a bad thing in this troubled world.”